Retreat and New Committee Election of MYCS for 2008-2009 was started on 12 April 2008 at 17:30. The MC of the program was Mr. Phyo Kyaw who was a president-to-be for 2008-2009. The opening prayer was by Aye Aye Khine, a new comer. The introduction of MYCS was started right after the opening prayer. Dinner was served at 18:00.
At 19:00, the first talk was “Youth and Future” which was given by Mr. Bernard Hlaing Myo Aung. Multiple intelligent and emotional intelligent are included in his talk which was lasted for two hours. After the first talk, three groups were divided and taken the hourly duties for the next day. The program was ended at 21:30 for Day 1.
In Day 2, which was 13 April 2008, the Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr Rev. Fr. Gregorio, the spiritual director of Myanmar Young Catholic Students at 07:00. The second talk was started at 08:30 and was given by Rev. Fr. Patrick Saw Zay Han. As the title of the second talk was “Youth and Spirituality”, the meaning of spirituality for youngster was defied. As the same time, “the pencil and its Maker” was given as an example to show the life of a pencil to burden its life. After the second talk, confession was followed till lunch time.
In the afternoon, several ways of meditation was introduced by our Rev. Fr. Gregorio and centering prayer was the one emphasized as a workshop. MYCS members were enthusiastically and enjoyably learned and practiced about it. In order to be more affection to each other, social games were also involved aiming to have the fondness and warmth among MYCS members. After dinner, New Committee Election for 2008-2009 was held. Later on, the Holy Hour of adoration was celebrated nonstop from 23:30 to 06:30. All members joined it actively.
Day 3, which was 14 April, 2008, was begun with the Holy Mass as usual. It was also the Mass for the blessing of New Committee Members. After breakfast, talk 3, Youth and Education, was conducted by Rev. Fr. Ammoy, Campus Minister of
Talk 4 was held after talk 3 which was conducted by Mr. Benny Paul whose topic was “Social & Career Assessments included in NGOs”. He shared his job experience on both government sector and non-government sector. The organization he works with was the first Burmese NGO in
After lunch, the evaluation of MYCS for 2007 was conducted by Mr. Isaacs John the formal president, Mr. Ellias the formal vice president. The closing Accounts MYCS was conducted by Teresa Ma Lay and transferred to the new treasurer, Agnes Smoe. After that, group photo was taking at King David. The Annual retreat and New Committee Member Election was successfully concluded on 15 April 2008 at 15:00 with the help of donors and sponsors.
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