Friday, April 18, 2008

Acknowledgement & Thanks For 2008 Retreat

First and foremost, We, MYCS, would like to give thanks to our Living God for his Goodness and Graces. In addition, we would like to express our thanks to all of you for your advices and financial supports.

We had successfully done our Annual Retreat and New Committee Election for 2008-2009 with the contributions of Our Special Guest Speakers, Generous Donors, Selfless Volunteers, and all the persons who scarified their time, shared ideas and helped us from every corner of our needs.

We give a special thank to His Excellency Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio Obviously, without the financial contribution of you, we would not be able to start our retreat. Your generosity made a great difference for MYCS.

There is unforgettable to give thanks to Br. Martin, our former president of Assumption University, who willingly provided lodging for two nights and transportation at Suvannabhumi Campus. Your commitment for helping MYCS is sincerely appreciated.

We considerably thank to Fr. Amnoy, Fr. Patrick Saw Zay Han, Mr. Benny Paul, and Mr. Bernard for delivering us the valuable talks by sacrificing their personal times.

Many thanks to our former MYCS’ EC members who had invested their time and ideas for MYCS.

Congratulations to MYCS members! You have sacrificed your valuable time for MYCS aiming to improve MYCS and the long-lasting of it. We are very proud of you and your unbelievable strength for MYCS throughout the year. We thank a lot for your personal commitment.

From MYCS Student-body, we promise that you will be remembered in our daily prayers. We would like to say thank you once again and highly appreciate for everything you have done to us.

“May the blessing of God be upon you, your family and your community.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, I would like to thank you for having this blog and the one who had written this news. I would like to suggest that if anyone of us can collect all the events of MYCS' activities with interesting points and deliver it to UCAN news. It is alike to to be a Journalist. The intention is to get MYCS' fund. As I have seen many of us have the abilities in writing. If anyone is interesting in this or for more information, can contact with me through , or 081-696-8247. Just suggestion.
