Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Reflection for the International Youth and Environment Conference

November 14th to 19th Indonesia:

On the 13th November, the two representative persons from MYCS and KUSG Thailand went to Java Island which is situated in Indonesia. We stayed in Jakarta for one night and next day, we left to Palangka Raya (in Kalimantan Island). We arrived there round about 12:30 pm, and then took rest for a while and attended an opening ceremony in the conference room.

This Indonesia trip gave me a lot of experiences, and challenges. What I haven't seen in my life I have seen it and what I have never thought of it I have to think about it and challenge me to do in my day to day life and for my future.

It was really scaring for me to see the environmental situation of the Indonesia because of Deforestation. When I step on the land of Kalimantan the heat was so terrible. Suppose to be the surrounding of the rainforest place must be cool and wet the whole year. If we want to see big trees we have to go to the deep Jungle. It is not easy to have big forest again for the Kalimantan Island.

On the First day, they welcomed us and explained us why did they choose to invite us to Kalimantan Island. In the past decade, this island was called the world lungs because it was one of the richest island in its beauty and biological diversity in the world.

Later Kalimantan was facing an ecological threat because of logging and mining or many commercial agriculture enterprises activities were some of its worst cases. 75% of the Kalimantan area was forest in the year of 1980. From 1985 to 2000, the forest of Kalimantan has been gradually decreased about 850,000 hectares per year, and from the year of 2000 to 2500 it will decrease about 1,2 million hectares per year; 148 hectares per hour or 2,5 hectares per minute.

There is no virgin forest in Kalimantan today. In many places, the jungle expanse of Kalimantan has been turned into desert. This scene points out me to ask that Kalimantan is still a lung of the world?

Present scene points out that they are facing a very critical situation today. This bad result happens because of the human greedy, so they have to integrate rescuing movement must be done immediately. This movement must involve all people beyond the nation, religion, culture, profession and age boundaries. This intention will have to save the environment has been announced since a long time.

Now, Global warming threatening us and yet people are still making profit from the forest and also not concerning much for the next generation.

After attending and observing the situation of Kalimantan Island, I had learned that almost all the countries from South East Asia's forest were cut down and almost all the hard wood were gone. If we are neglecting and continuously cutting down of the trees without replanting them, one day it will be in danger for the future. All of us can think that, that is a work of the Government but it is the responsibility of all the people and especially for young people of today has to be aware and need to take care to our nature and environment.

God created human to take care to the nature only and not allow destroying it. But it doesn't mean that we can't use the trees for our needs and also take care for the next generation. We young people have responsibility to help and support the nature to maintain their beauties as much as we can.

Rev.Keloso S.Ugak mentions that "Creation is not only man but nature also."

Whenever we talk about creation we only focus on the human and not mentioning about nature. Through this theological understanding, human is placed as the dominion of others and nature is to be consumed for human satisfaction without balance preservation for nature itself. In this case, the injustice took place between human and nature indeed God created both of them.

Mostly, I didn't aware that nature and our human relationship, and also. After observing this reality in Kalimantan and through sharing from the different nations, I came to realize how important to take care to our environment and must treasure it for our living. Without forests and trees on earth we can't live and survive and also animals who are living in the forest can't survive to live also. So we are the main cause of this ruin because we destroy the nature which God created.

In this moment of my thinking, I have to try to reconcile with the nature and also have to be one with the Nature.
As a youth of today like what we have MYCS and IMCS, we need to do a lot of good deeds to the people than past time and concern for the people who are in difficult moment, I try to propose all my youth members to be aware of the environmental Issue and we have to look after and support the nature also.

If we don't take a step start from this moment it will be very much effected and will give troubles to our new generation. They will be suffering a lot of bad things. So we are working for people and also searching for human rights and at the same time we have to promote and talk about this issue to all people and how to take care and support our nature (environment).

Now, some organizations have started to help nature as part of the term creation. So our activities or any program whatever we make, we need to share this issue to the young of today. It is not only for anyone will be in danger but all mankind have to suffer by Global warming. So, this issue is really important and sufficient to discuss about it and make aware of it at this present moment.

One thing I admire also to the volunteers youth who are working for the street children, although they work the whole day, at the evening time they go to the center and teach to the poor children. Their smile and their selves giving can be seen from the faces of the children.

Parents were accepted and some parents offer the places for them to gather the children. It is great challenge for me and asking me a lot of questions that, am I ready to take a risk to give myself for others?

Above all I would like to thank the Lord for this great chance to attend this conference and thank to members of the CCI youth group and IMCS youth group that they have shared their life experiences, and share their joy that strengthen me to have courage to face challenges and to do something for my future program.

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